"Sister is God's way of proving, he doesn't want us to walk alone". Unknown 

"Sisterhood is knowing that someone has your back" Oge Sogeke

What is true sisterhood?

I have recently taken time to think through and observe certain people in my life. I am going to share some of my thoughts below. 

Sisterhood Defined

Sisterhood means to love and accept someone where they are irrespective of what is going on around them. It means to consistently inspire them to their true potential and God’s will for their lives.

Sisterhood is patient and listens with compassion, not judgement. 

Quality communication and quality time are important in sustaining the spirit of sisterhood. 

There is something inspiring about knowing that someone is got your back. To know that you are in a safe space with your fellow sisters is phenomenal.

So, it's fair to ask; how many times have you called to check on a sister who is going through difficulties of any kind in their lives? 

An ordinary phone call might just be what is keeping someone alive. People are going through so much, you only have to listen to someone else's story to forget your own pains. 

Sisterhood means sometimes we need to forget about our own selfish me..me...me and go out of our way to uplift one another. 

I know that as women we are wired to compete and compare about material things. And this demonic spirit of; 'I am big-you are small, I am rich-you are poor, I am smart-you are dumb mentality' cannot take us anywhere. 

Frankly speaking, none of us is better than each other. As sisters, we all share the same struggles, whether you are living in a mansion or living in a shack. We all are confronted with life and every one of us have their own cross to bear. None of us is guaranteed to live here alive.

So, it about time we start loving, forgiving, listening, uplifting and embracing one another.

We have so much power as women and there is a force when we are united.

Some qualities of a good sister


The Bible says that wisdom is the principal thing. That Means, wisdom is a priority. Wisdom is not selfish, wisdom is good advice and maturity. Wisdom is discernment, an insight into what is right. 


There is something so radiant about a kind spirit. Kindness is not just generosity in material items, it's a heart that wants to give the best in a relationship.

"No matter what you look like, Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world." Unknown 


Empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what someone else is feeling and see things from their point of view. It's being able to imagine yourself in their place. Most importantly, it is putting yourself in other people's position and feeling what they must be feeling. 

This is not the time to judge someone...allow God to do that job. It's the time to listen - even if you have nothing to say…just listen.


True loyalty is putting God's plan for your life above everything. And also, respecting God's plan for your sister's life. Loyalty is doing what is right. It's wishing people well even when you don't agree with them. It's also very important to give people space when they need it, to allow them to evolve. 

Life is precious. We should enjoy every moment. The memories we have today will go a long way in remembering each other. 

Know This: It is important to know God and to lean unto his grace while we journey through life. Sometimes you may lose every important person in your life and sometimes you may even be forsaken by the people whom you love. And the only way to beat this is by clinging unto God and understanding who you truly are. 

Sisterhood is a beautiful thing. It is uplifting, empowering and healing. 

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves. Galatians 6:2

Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8

What Does Sisterhood Mean To You? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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