Ways To Practice REST In a WORLD That Won’t STOP Working

In a world where Resting is now considered as being Lazy. To rest means to relax, pause, breathe and be at ease.

Genesis 2:3 By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day, he rested from all his work. 

God rested! Almighty God who never gets tired, rested from work?  Think about that...the first time I read this part of scripture I was so sure the bible was messing with my intelligence😂 can God rest when my bible says; he never slumbers nor sleeps, I thought. But the truth is, he rested and he is telling us to do the same. You are not smarter than your creator. 

The question is; when was the last time you slowed down, unwind, unplugged, and relaxed? Rest is a gift we too easily neglect. 

We feel like we are accomplishing something when we are busy. This can be counterfeit because, without healthy boundaries, activity can be like a drug, numbing us to our need for intimacy with God who is the Giver of Life and Time. All good and every perfect gift comes from him.

Proverbs 19:23 The fear of the Lord leads to life, And he who has it will abide in satisfaction; He will not be visited with evil.



Paul urges us in Romans 12 to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Practising mindfulness can help us realign our hearts to what God is doing. 

Find something that makes you feel close to God, and focus your mind on Him before you start your day.

Find your best spot. Where do you connect most with God? Maybe in your bedroom, in your kitchen, in the toilet, whilst exercising, driving, riding etc.

Listen to worship songs, messages, talk to him, worship him. I particularly love worshipping in my kitchen because I spend the most time there😀trying to sort out breakfast, lunch and dinner; you know the vibe. 

Practise: Take 5 minutes each day and visualize every worry & challenge and give each one to God in prayer & worship. 


Meditating on Scripture is so powerful as all scripture is inspired by God. When you read or listen to God’s Word, and you reflect on what it is saying, you learn to recognize God’s voice. Purposeful time in the study of the word requires making it a priority to focus on just being in the presence of God!

Practise: Set aside at least 30 minutes a day to read or listen to God’s Word. During that time, release your spirit and leave every problem aside. Take notes, and journal your thoughts and let God speak to you.

Be with Like-Minded People

Seeking God does not mean sending people away. Intimacy with God doesn’t mean shutting yourself away from other people. Sometimes it might be making space for people. When you are well-rested, it helps to create time for people you love. We all need each other. We are not made to do life alone. 

Practise: Invest at least a couple of minutes or hours each week with people you love. Send a message, show up as you can and enjoy one another’s company. Laugh out loud and share some thoughts.

These are just a few thoughts on how to rest and renew your strength. If you have more ideas, then share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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